Killaloe Pathways Park

Community Engagement

What’s New for Killaloe Pathways Park in 2024:

The Park has an approved Master Plan that takes us through to 2026.
The Master Plan outlines the projects and budget investments approved by KHR Mayor and Council in January 2024. It’s worth a read!
This means the projects planned or underway have been fully funded according to the budget approved as part of the Master Plan. The Plan grew out of the two public community consultations (click to read those) held since the Park was first established. We are hoping to formalize our Friends of Killaloe Pathways Park this year. It’s intended to remain a coalition of organizations and individuals who want a say in the future development of the Park.
Want to be kept in the loop? Please register on our mailing list by emailing .

Click here to view the Master Plan!

In March 2023, We conducted a Community Engagement Workshop for KPP.

Click here to view the Community Consultation Results!

In 2022, We conducted a short survey to help us plan for the future of KPP.

Some ideas that have come up so far: community gardens (mental health, Indigenous healing, sensory, community kitchen, butterfly), art sculptures, museum display cases, electric vehicle charging station, wetlands interpretive information and viewing area.

Click here to see the survey results!

CONTACT: Cathy Lyons, Chair
Friends of Killaloe Public Library
| 613-757-0166

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